Posted in Books

Geek girl by Holly Smale- REVIEW

Hi guys, today Iā€™m going to be rating geek girl by Holly Smale. Iā€™m going to be rating it using stars and it will be out of 5 so if I put 4 stars, it means 4 out of 5. Understand? Good.šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜

  1. Does it capture the reader the whole way through?

My Answer:****

It can sometimes get a tiny bit boring but the majority of the time itā€™s really interesting.

2. Is the main character interesting?

My answer: *****

Definitely 5 stars, Harriet is a really interesting character because sometimes she can be a bit selfish and it often takes her a while to catch on to peopleā€™s feelings.

3. Is there sequels and if so are they good?

My answer: Yes, there are definitely sequels and I might even like them more than the first one.šŸ˜®šŸ˜®šŸ˜®


The books about a girl called Harriet and sheā€™s like really geeky and obsessed with books. Her best friend called Nat though is really stylish and wants to be a model and stuff. However a modelling agency spot Harriet (on the same day as Harriet was puked on and was hiding under a table) and really wanted her for their modelling agency. So she did it. But the point of the story is can she be transformed from geek to chic.



Ok hoped you enjoyed this review. In no way to I mean to offend anyone in this blog, so please donā€™t take offence. It doesnā€™t matter if your geeky or your fashionable, all that matters is you love yourself for who you are.ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø

Over and out,

Ordinary Fab Girl šŸ¤


Hi, Iā€™m Ordinary Fab Girl. I love dogs, books, baking, fashion , beauty and blogging. Hope that you like my blogšŸ¤

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