Posted in Leopard gecko

Little bit more about my leopard gecko!

So a while ago I introduced you to Queenie Meanie, but I just showed you pictures. I didn’t tell you anything like her age or anything. So today I’m going to tell you some facts about her!

Queenie Meanie Facts:

  1. We don’t know her gender yet but I think it’s a she so I say her, she etc.
  2. She is 5/6 months.
  3. We got her from a local breeder not a big shop.
  4. She is striped right now but she is turning spotty.
  5. She is not fully tame yet but she is on the path to being tame.

Ok these are my facts about Queenie. Hope you enjoyed.


Ordinary Fab Girl 🤍


Hi, I’m Ordinary Fab Girl. I love dogs, books, baking, fashion , beauty and blogging. Hope that you like my blog🤍

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